Combine TCX or GPX files into one with Merge Activities
It may happen that your Garmin or any other GPS tracking device looses signal, bugs or needs to restart during a run or a ride. You end with 2 or more workouts for this single activity, and you would want to be able to combine them into a single activity. This happens to me now and then, not because of a bug, rather because I stop for a picnic break in the middle of a ride. In such a moment, the Garmin Forerunner would enter in sleep mode and stop the activity, then I start a new one when I jump on the bike again. When I am back home, I want to combine those 2 parts to have a full ride. That’s why I developed Merge Activities.
The process to combine 2 or more TCX or GPX files is quite easy for someone with a bit of computer knowledge. It is just the matter of cutting, copying and pasting the right parts of XML files. But it can be tedious and time consuming, that’s why I wrote this small script that you can use at this URL:
Don’t hesitate to try it and tell me what you think about it in the comments below. Remarks, suggestions or a simple hello are always welcome!
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